Strategic Design and Project Management
Undervisningen foregår på engelsk, hvorfor nedenstående beskrivelse af forløbet og rammerne for samarbejdet står skrevet på engelsk.
The students will work in cross-disciplinary teams over the course of a semester-long project with external organisations. The semester is focused on research-based learning of design processes in interaction with real-life stakeholders.
Teaching will focus on process consultation and project management providing relevant techniques and models (e.g., business model innovation and practice theories related to architecture and design projects).
Groups develop a strategic plan and/or process outline, using the theory package provided. Feedback and formative evaluation will be given as part of panel sessions with external participants throughout the project process.
The workshops will cover both discussion of theoretical topics and practical design activities as prototyping. Groups will receive supervision on projects from different angles: From the business/organisational side, from the practice-oriented side and from the artistic, design-related side.
Det Kongelige Akademi & Copenhagen Business School
Der er tale om 5 studerende fra CBS og Det Kongelige Akademi
Forløbet starter forår 2024.
Studiegruppens arbejde beskrives og præsenteres på én af flere mulige måder: rapport, prototype mundtlig præsentation, forretningsmodel, idékatalog mv.