Textile and Colour Identity at Mary Elizabeth’s Hospital


Build a colour and textile identity (storyboards and moodboards) which uses the colours and tactility of the textiles to create a visually coherent interior which distinguishes the different areas of the Children’s hospital and the varying needs of its patients and guests, whilst making it a safe space to be. 

Being in hospital can be an intimidating experience for many, even more so for children. With the use of colour and textile, how can you make the patients and their families more at ease? The use of colour and tactility of textiles can create a visually coherent interior which distinguishes the hospital and the varying needs of its patients. Ranging from 0 – 18 years old, the patients are there for different treatments, and differing amounts of time. How to make that space feel comfortable and ‘hygge’ whilst still maintaining high standards of hygiene, safety for patients and staff and an awareness of costs. 

Remembering also, when a child is in hospital, their parents and family also need to be there too. Take consideration for the various users and ‘guests’, consider different spaces according to what the patient and their families might need: relaxed, energized, stimulated, quiet, study or work, be creative, part of a group, conversation, watch a film, a place to be quiet… Use the flexibility of textiles and the expression of colours to create different zones and atmospheres within the Mary Elizabeth children’s hospital, which enables all the patients to ‘feel better’. 

Brugeroplevelsen på hospitalet – Læs mere

​Rapport om designprincipper og brugerinddragelse

​Læs rapporten fra undersøgelsen af brugeroplevelsen i Juliane Marie Centret​​​ (pdf, åbner i ny fane)​​


Mary Elizabeth Hospital



​Mary El​​izabeths Hospital​​​

​- Riget for børn, unge og gravide.

Samm​​en vil​​​ vi skabe ​et banebrydende hospital.

Fordi livet skal leves – ​også m​​ens vi er syge


Overlevering af løsning kan ske i form af:

  • Rapport
  • Mundtlig præsentation
  • Idékatalog
  • Prototype
  • Forretningsmodel
  • Videomateriale