Design Project, Communication and IT Bachelor

In this course, you will have an opportunity to learn about different ideas about how technical systems are designed and different approaches to design. We will explore approaches from the fields of information systems, human-computer interaction, and design. You will be introduced to a range of concepts from problem identification to project management to prototyping to requirements specification. The main intention of this course is to introduce you to the main debates and practices around the design of computer systems and the implications this has on domains where such systems are eventually implemented.

We would like a start up lecture during week 6 or 7, but we need to find out exact dates. We would also like the stakeholders to come to the student’s final presentations (or attend on zoom) as part of the hand over to the case holders. Again, we need to find specific dates for this, but it would probably be in week 20 or 21.


University of Copenhagen


Aftales med de studerende:

  • Præsentation af løsning
  • Analyse
  • Prototype