Paracetamol (PMC) overdose


Studerende på kurset Contemporary Social Pharmacy arbejdede med en udfordring stillet af læge Vibeke Brix Christensen omhandlende paracetemol-forgiftning blandt unge.


De studerende arbejdede med en løsning omhandlende udarbejdelse af undervisningsmateriale til unge i folkeskolen.

Case Background

Emma is doing well at school. Good grades. Very ambitious. Many friends on social media. Parents divorced. Her boyfriend have just broken up their relationship. Emma has taken an overdose of paracetamol because she is unhappy and feel lonesome. This is her 2. Time of PCM overdosing.


Paracetamol is easy to get hold off. Does not taste bad. Suicide attempts with paracetamol is often a spontaneous idea. Treatment of the patients with overdose paracetamol is “one-size-fits-all” with 16 hours of NAC iv gives asap after the intake.

Learning goals and client expectations

Expectations is to prevent suicide attempts with PCM.
Find possibilities to customize treatment of Emma.
Prevent further acute liver injury or liver transplantation