De studerende er stærke inden for front-end innovation, forskning, idéudvikling og konceptudvikling, samarbejdsdesignprocesser, professionelt og multi-stakeholder engagement
Formålet er at undersøge og komme med bud på løsning af problemer forbundet med digitalisering af sundhedssektoren og engagere sig i de forandringsprocesser, som implementering af digitale systemer medfører for borgere/patienter, medarbejdere og ledelse 13:16:172024-12-20 09:04:35Innovation af Ny Digital Teknologi Inden for Sundhed
The semester project is a research project that addresses a design challenge for an existing organisation. The project must be based on a review of relevant scientific literature and empirical investigations so as to solidly ground the proposed design solution(s). When conducting empirical investigations and staging designactivities, students need to consider if and how their solution challenges existing organisational practices, reconfigures sociotechnical network of relations within the company/organisation and its value chain.
HVAD ER DEN NYE STORE SUNDHEDSOPFINDELSE? Det læser du i vores nyhedsbrev!
Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet fra Copenhagen Health Innovation – så er du en af de første, der hører om alt det, der rykker inden for sundhedsinnovation i Region Hovedstaden.
Innovation af Ny Digital Teknologi Inden for Sundhed
Hos ▤ Aalborg Universitet, ✲ Forår, ❖ BachelorStaging Collaborative Design For Sustainability
Hos ▤ Aalborg Universitet, ✲ EfterårThe semester project is a research project that addresses a design challenge for an existing organisation. The project must be based on a review of relevant scientific literature and empirical investigations so as to solidly ground the proposed design solution(s). When conducting empirical investigations and staging designactivities, students need to consider if and how their solution challenges existing organisational practices, reconfigures sociotechnical network of relations within the company/organisation and its value chain.
Konceptdesign med prototyper: Samarbejde med Bæredygtig Design studerende
Hos ▤ Aalborg Universitet, ✲ Efterår, ❖ Bachelor